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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Free Coaching Programme on Real Estate

We have always believed in the concept of "catching the rope and then throw it back for someone else. That is why we have re-opened our coaching program.

Now I am really tough and do have high expectations and you do have to have access to some resources to get started but really at the end of the day, results are the only thing that matters.

Amazing but true story, from Real Estate Report

I was talking to a very dear friend of ours on Friday and he shared with me how he had the BIGGEST month of his sales career, he actually earned over 80K THIS MONTH and there are still 2 weeks left in the month!

That's 80k thus far this month and the meter is still running. It was about 4-6 months ago that he started applying just one of the strategies that we teach in our "A Magnet to Money" course that we just released earlier this week.

It is also the same strategy that another friend of ours used to take their M-L-M check from barely nothing to 100k per month within 6-9 months. Yes, that one strategy that we teach is that powerful. Results never lie. Now I realize that for some of you reading this that the very thought of making 80k or 100k per month sounds like something that is so far out there that you just cannot comprehend anyone making that type of money let alone yourself.

And therein lies your problem. You'll never reach those levels of money with a 45k a year mentality. All Wealth starts in your mind but most people go at it the wrong way and work on the external. They jump from biz op to biz opp from job to job. I know because I used to do that and at some point you learn it ain't the biz opp that's wrong!

It's like these Hollywood "Stars" who have been married 5 times, I feel like saying" After 5 times, It aint your Spouse that is the problem Baby!" YOU got's to change and when you do EVERYTHING changes! So if everything you have touched has ended up "not working" here is your wake up call. I have "been there and done that" and "bought the shirt"

Everything started to change for me when I learned how to "Magnetize and Attract Wealth" instead of chasing it away! T is true and it can also happen for you. Now, You can sit there and say this "Law of Attraction" stuff is just "hocus pocus" and does not work and you will be absolutely correct. It will NOT work.... for you. You can be "right" and the rest of us who do believe it and put these Powerful strategies will be Wealthy... but you'll still be "right"

I 'd rather be Wealthy any day of the week.

Until next time

TC and Vickie Bradley

FREE report: "7 Insider Secrets to Investing in Real Estate Without Credit Checks and $1-10.00 down!"

Please visit to get your free report.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Mobile Home Price Drops from $13 000 to $1 500, by Ruben D. Flores

Ruben Flores calls this a “get of the couch” story.

Less than a year ago, he was sitting around reading other peoples’ Success Stories.

Now he has five of his own. Get the details on how one “unmotivated” seller became “motivated” and dropped the price of her mobile home drastically in 45 days.

Please read more.

How to Profit in a Slow Economy, by Ray Alcorn

If you haven't read this in-depth, two-part article we published in July, now’s the time.

The question of the day for commercial real estate investors is this: What is the effect of a slowing economy and possible recession on valuations?

The run-up in values for some sectors has raised alarms, and opinions range widely.

Learn from Ray Alcorn what you, as an investor, need to know when plotting your course.

How to Profit in a Slow Economy (Part One)
By Ray Alcorn

How to Profit in a Slow Economy (Part Two)
By Ray Alcorn

Free e-book for real estate investors, from CREONLINE.COM

Looking for a better way to invest in real estate? Learn how our unique investing club can help you get bigger profits with far less risk. Invest with less effort, less capital, get immediate equity, flip properties before closing, and get profits starting from 41 to 75%.

Please get the e-book here.

How to flip a real estate, from The Real Estate Strategist

I'm going to demonstrate, with a real, live real estate deal, how to flip a real estate contract via the internet to produce profits of $5 000 or $10 000 or even more.

But to witness it, and to see how it can work for you, you've got to understand the system itself.

It's really simple, and I'll be telling you all about it TONIGHT in a free teleconference call: